Saturday, January 23, 2010

A problem you encountered and how you solved or managed

Homework is quite a hassle for me. I think its unnecessary as it just wastes time spent at home. I thought school was the only place where you do all your learning so why drag it till home? It just seems stupid and troublesome for me. But I think the problem is that I do homework at the last minute.

It has become a habit since Primary three and i think it was because of my friends. In those days, we usually go to each others house to play games of just slack around. Back then, we were dismissed quite early compared to now in Secondary school. Thus, having nothing to do we had fun with friends and homework were at the back of our minds. Now, in secondary school, if you don't do your homework when it is given its going to pile up and your weekends will be wasted on finishing your homework before its due.

In Primary school this was not such a big problem because there weren't much project assignments or revision exercises. But in Secondary school, you'll be confuse with all the different subject projects and your groups unless its individual. After a year in Victoria School, i can now manage homework better but I'm still trying to break the habit of last minute work.

One of my past experiences is to never do a mathematics homework after nine because would probably be multi-tasking homework and watching cartoons. So, all my maths working would've been smeared with careless mistakes. I would advice my readers to do their homework immediately when you go home and finish bathing and eating.

Lastly, don't ever do your homework in the living room because someone would probably switched on the television. You would feel bored halfway through your work and be distracted.

Overall, I still think homework should have never been made as work should be done in school!